I have always loved teaching! I have played a lot of concerts for young people with Danish poetry and it gave me the opportunity to challenge them musicaly, and also challenge myself in communication.
At the moment my teaching is mostly in world music in public schools. I cherish the moments with the pupils that get inspired and curious about other cultures. And I am vocal teacher at MGK-Ø, where I teach young music talents.
Jeg har flere års erfaring med at spille skolekoncerter blandt andet for LMS (Levende Musik i Skolen).
Formidling til børn og unge har lært mig meget. De er kritiske og flyvske og kræver alt af de optrædende. De unge tvinger kunstnerne til at være tydelige og udtryksfulde og de fanges af oprigtighed og kunnen.
Jeg holder meget af at formidle til skolebørn.